I forced to see video on YouTube/GOOGLE.
question to political community of Portland and whole Oregon and whole pacific cost of USA?
I am not able to block this video, or say not interesting.
this video identify why do I must to see this video. Yes i must to see this video because of my location country and city, and time of the day.
The country where i am is USA, the state is Oregon , and city is Portland.
about video them self: this video is: will show to me how i will look like after i will change my sex.
any questions about who paid/ordered creation of such video ?
Why YouTube/Google show to me - force me to see such video?
Supreme court of USA declare that YouTube is a private media platform.
Respect is not Christmas gift, respect need to be earn. Does supreme court aware of this?
if I be in Iran- i know what will be the respond from political community in whole USA;
If i be in China -- i know what will be the respond from political community in Portland, or whole USA ;
if i be in Russia -- i know what will be the respond from political community in Portland, or whole USA;
but i am in USA, Portland Oregon, so what will be the respond for my question from political community in Portland and whole USA?