A lot of phone call from the State of Oregon!

New main law for USA.
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A lot of phone call from the State of Oregon!

Post by aram »

Did you notices a lot of phone call from State of Oregon?
Phones call generated by AI computers. About medical insurance, food card , $ 3300 dollars for old Americans , ETC etc.
All this the garbage. Yes mo?
When you have insurance, then in Oregon you need to wait 6 month for appointment. Better something than nothing. Will this slow down and reduce health care cost? It should.
I get 10 to 15 calls per every day from state of Oregon subsidies entities like insurance , help from government. Etc
I turn my phone on silent mode. What about google youtube commercials super increasing.
What all this means?
This means that government, two party system know that people do not trust any more two party system , and Americans need something new road to go forward.
Problems is Americans do not yet decided - found out where is this new road – direction.
The answer is new main law – new conclusion written by the Americans people and not by the founders fathers of any types. USA need 3 143 new constitution. Figures 3 143 is numbers of counties in USA. Main law in each counties – the counties constitution must supersede any other law in USA or in the universe. This will bring the real freedom for Americans.
Do you remember when State of Oregon east counties decided to move out of state of Oregon and joint state of Idaho?
This is why the main law must be written start from counties and there are 3 143 counties in USA, and not by the any type of founders fathers of USA.
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